Mar 11

Sell Helen Frankenthaler

Selling your Helen Frankenthaler artworks through us offers unparalleled advantages that ensure a seamless and lucrative transaction process. Our team of experts possesses extensive knowledge of Frankenthaler's body of work, enabling us to accurately...

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Mar 11

Helen Frankenthaler: Notable Painting Sales

Helen Frankenthaler, a seminal figure in the abstract expressionist movement, created a vast body of work that continues to captivate collectors and art enthusiasts around the world. While her most notable paintings are often celebrated for their gro...

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Feb 5

The Palm Beach Show 2024 | Jewelry | Art | Antiques | Design

Join Masterworks Fine Art at the prestigious Palm Beach Show February 15-20, 2024! Masterworks will be bringing a specially curated selection of some of our favorite and most impressive  works by Andy Warhol, Frank Stella, Pablo Picasso and more.  St...

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Dec 15


The largest art fair platform in Latin America returns for another year as Zona Maco launches February 7 – 11th, bringing together leading and emerging national and international art galleries. Zona Maco aims to encompass and promote the art, design,...

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