Pablo Picasso was a master of many artistic mediums, including painting, sculpture, printmaking, and ceramics. Among his printmaking works, Picasso produced a series of linocuts, which are prints made using a linoleum block that has been carved to create a design. The linoleum block is inked and then printed onto paper or another surface. Picasso's linocuts were made in a limited edition and are highly sought after by collectors.
Here is a list of some of Picasso's most notable and catalogued linocuts:

1. "Le Cocu Magnifique" (The Magnificent Cuckold) - created in 1921, this linocut depicts a man and a woman in a suggestive pose.

2. "Minotaur Caresses a Sleeping Woman" - created in 1933, this linocut features the mythological creature Minotaur with a woman sleeping in his arms.

3. "Bacchanale" - created in 1959, this linocut shows a group of figures in a festive and wild scene.

4. "Portrait of Francoise" - created in 1946, this linocut is a portrait of one of Picasso's lovers, Francoise Gilot.
5. "Le Chef d'oeuvre inconnu" (The Unknown Masterpiece) - created in 1931, this linocut was inspired by a story of the same name by Honoré de Balzac.

6. "Jacqueline au Bandeau" (Jacqueline with Headband) - created in 1962, this linocut is a portrait of Picasso's wife, Jacqueline Roque.

7. "Le Viol" (The Rape) - created in 1933, this linocut depicts a violent and disturbing scene.

8. "La Danse des Faunes" (The Dance of the Fauns) - created in 1957, this linocut shows a group of fauns dancing.

9. "Le Taureau" (The Bull) - created in 1945, this linocut features a bull, a recurring subject in Picasso's work.
10. "Le Hibou" (The Owl) - created in 1952, this linocut depicts an owl in a whimsical and playful manner.

11. "Les Deux Saltimbanques" (The Two Acrobats) - created in 1905, this linocut is one of Picasso's early works and shows two acrobats performing.

12. "Le Repas Frugal" (The Frugal Meal) - created in 1904, this linocut is another early work of Picasso and depicts a scene of poverty.

13. "La Femme au Fauteuil" (Woman in an Armchair) - created in 1949, this linocut is a portrait of one of Picasso's muses, Dora Maar.

14. "Le Gout du Bonheur" (The Taste of Happiness) - created in 1948, this linocut shows a man and a woman kissing.

15. "Le Vieux Roi" (The Old King) - created in 1963, this linocut depicts an old king, a theme that Picasso explored in various mediums.
16. "Le Hibou Noir" (The Black Owl) - created in 1952, this linocut is a darker and more ominous depiction of an owl.

17. "La Colombe" (The Dove) - created in 1949, this linocut shows a dove, a symbol of peace and freedom.

18. "La Visage de la Paix" (The Face of Peace) - created in 1952, this linocut is a portrait of a woman's face with a peaceful expression.

19. "La Célestine" - created in 1968, this linocut is based on a play of the same name by Spanish playwright Fernando de Rojas.
20. "Le Miroir" (The Mirror) - created in
These are just a few examples of Picasso's catalogued linocuts, but they demonstrate the range and variety of his work in this medium. Picasso's linocuts are highly valued by collectors and art enthusiasts alike, and continue to be sought after for their unique style and artistic merit.
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