Happy Birthday Joan Miró!

Joan Miró Ferra was born on April 20, 1893 in Barcelona, Spain. Remembered as one of the greatest Surrealists, Miro’s works draw on inspiration from landscapes of Majorca, Mont-roig, and Paris. Colorful and almost child-like are many of his works, where one can see figures structured and restructured in patterns. Dots, drips, lines, and gestures create an abstraction of intricate forms.

La Ruisselante Solaire (The Solar Dripping) 1976
La Ruisselante Solaire (The Solar Dripping) 1976

He is known for irregular and asymmetrical arrangements that convey the sense of discord. Many figures become alive in his art—beautifully marred by mystical creatures and striking interpretations of human hybrid faces.

La Reine des éphémères (The Queen of Éphémeres), 1975
La Reine des éphémères (The Queen of Éphémeres), 1975

Masterworks Fine Art Gallery offers an exceptional range of these works on paper that are playful, light-hearted, and full of robust colors.

Cherished world-wide, Joan Miro’s works continue to be honored and celebrated.


1.  Joan Miró Lithographs: Vol. IV 1969-1972. Nicolas and Elena Calas, Preface. Paris: Maeght Editeur, 1981.