Members of Andy Warhol’s family want to make a feature-length film consisting of Warhol’s relations reminiscing about him provisionally titled Uncle Andy. Subtitling their project “The Andy Warhol Family Film”, the two filmmakers – Abby Warhola (, the artist’s great-niece, and her partner Jesse Best ( )– said it would look behind the public face of the cultural icon by presenting Warhol in the context of his creative family.

The film would not focus solely on Andy but include Paul, Andy’s eccentric oldest brother, who was a chicken farmer turned artist. Along with the nephews and nieces who visited “Uncle Andy” at his New York townhouse. “Their personal stories will surprise many who thought they may have already known Andy Warhol. With a family like this it is no wonder that Warhol became the most influential artist of modern time,” Warhola stated.

Warhola, a fashion photographer, and Best, an award-winning artist, have already conducted many of the interviews over the course of the last eight years. However they need $175,000 to finish creating the documentary, which will go towards capturing more interviews and animation sequences to illustrate the childhood stories told by the Warhol family. That is why they have turned to crowdfunding and most notably Kickstarter to help finish their documentary.

The common perception is that Warhol’s family profits from his work, but that is not the case. After Warhol’s death in 1987, the bulk of his fortune went to creating the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts in New York. And while the Warhol Foundation endorses the project, due to the institution being a non-profit it cannot fund commercial projects. Thus if Warhol fans are interested in the film being released then you have a chance to be apart of the funding and help bring to life a more complete picture of one the most powerful and popular artists of the 20th century.

Enjoy our collection of Andy Warhol screen prints.