In a case that has garnered attention since it first came to light over a year ago, Pablo Picasso’s electrician, Pierre Le Guennec and his wife, Danielle have been ordered by a French court to return over 271 artworks to Picasso’s heirs. Unknown to the public for decades, the works have an estimated worth of 60-100 million euros.

Pierre Le Guennec, now at the age of 75, says Picasso or his wife at the time Jacqueline, gave him the paintings, drawings, lithographs and collages around 1970 when Le Guennec worked for the renowned Spanish artist. However Picasso’s family has disputed the claims and now with the French court reaching a verdict, the works will return to the family and the Le Guennecs, in addition to losing them will be given a two-year suspended sentence. This now leads to the interesting question of what the family will do with the works; sell them or keep them until they become more valuable?