American football season has officially begun and we here at Masterworks love our art and enjoy our NFL. Everybody has a favorite team that they prefer based on their output and personal attachments, much like everybody has a favorite artist they prefer for those same reasons, which is why it’s interesting to make the comparison between fine art and football.

As great artists such as Picasso and Chagall vivaciously scanned the canvas, lithographs, ceramics, and linocuts for the perfect expression of their skill and creativity, much with the same ferocity do great quarterbacks like Manning and Brady scan the field for an open receiver to complete a pass that expresses their agility and skill. As defensive lineman such as JJ Watt dominate the offense creating a scene of beauty in chaos, so too is that expressed in the works of Miró and Magritte with the strong poetry they reflected in the symbolism of their art.

Outside of the individual bodies on the field, you have the wonderful compositions of the plays, which are art unto themselves. Intricately devised and placed, the plays are like a Picasso ceramic: preformed with brilliant execution, each work is delicate with complex details that surprise even the most astute critic. The analogy of fine art and football shouldn’t work, yet somehow like Andrew Luck in the last minutes of a fourth quarter when the Colts are down double digits it somehow does. And for that, Masterworks looks forward to the NFL season and our own fine art acquisitions coming in this fall.