Mary Cassatt is a fascinating woman as she is best known and loved for her tender portrayals of mothers with children but was not a mother herself. Instead, she pursued the path of becoming an artist in a time when female artists were looked down upon. Her work is widely renowned due to the intense and quiet emotion that shines through her portraits and touches the heart. She captures subtle and deep relationships between women and children with a stunning accuracy that transcends time. Her work maintains its remarkable qualities up through the present day as Mary Cassatt continues to be a celebrated female American artist. Although American, she spent a majority of her life in France where she befriended Edgar Degas and exhibited among the Impressionists.
A resilient woman, she grew quite popular with her striking and realistic portrayals of femininity and relationships that exuded truth. As we celebrate 131 years of her legacy today, what we really celebrate is the gift she gave us of artwork that speaks to warmth and naturalness which is a difficult feat for any artist.